Speak Up!
Tell us what issues YOU are seeing and/or struggling with in Nashua. We want to hear about shelter, health, employment, childcare, kids addiction to cell phones, schools, safety, belonging, etc.
We have a great community and Grow Nashua wants to do whatever we can to leverage our organization to make sure YOUR VOICE gets heard and then let's take action together!
I want to share my voice
Proposed Asphalt Plant
What do you think about the proposed construction of an asphalt plant in the Dr. Crisp elementary school neighborhood?
Lacrosse Concussion Rates
What is your opinion as a parent about the concussion rate and helmets in girls lacrosse?
Cell Phones in High School
To what extent should these be used by students? What do you wish was in place?
New Girls High School Hockey
Is there enough interest to start a girls high school hockey team? Would it be just Nashua or require another school to launch?
Four Hills Landfill Life Expectancy
What barriers are preventing neighbors from composting food waste?
What else should we be talking about?
Submit a request for your own poll and we'll help design. See below for details.
Select topics of interest below
Suggest your own topic and we help gather opinions from Nashua neighbors.
Steps to add a topic of your own
You pose a question that matters to you and might also affect others in Nashua.
We'll help you come up with a few questions and relevant details.
Together we will share the opinion poll with the right people & organizations.
The poll will gather opinions from real everyday Nashua neighbors.
The responses can then be used to make informed decisions and progress on your topic.
Submit a request for your own poll by clicking here.
" Mestské farmy pozitívne ovplyvňujú štvrte, v ktorých sa nachádzajú, prostredníctvom zdravotných, sociálnych, ekologických a susedských výhod. Zdravotných výhod je veľa. Okrem lepšieho stravovania a aktívnejšej činnosti sa poľnohospodári viac zapájajú do sociálnych aktivít, na svoje susedstvá sa pozerajú ako na krajšie a mať silnejšie väzby na svoje štvrte. “- GGHC 2010